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Restful Restorations: 3 Reasons Not to Sleep in Dentures

October 14, 2024

Full set of dentures in a glass of clear fluid on tiled counter

Dentures are the tried-and-true method for rebuilding mouths after tooth loss because they can simultaneously restore your grin’s appearance and functionality. Your new teeth allow you to grind your food more thoroughly and enunciate a wide variety of sounds and words so you can be more clearly understood. Plus, you’ll look and feel like the best version of yourself.

However, it can take about a month to adjust to wearing dentures. Once you do, you might feel so comfortable in them that you’re tempted to fall asleep with them in your mouth. Unfortunately, doing so can be harmful to your dental health. Continue reading to learn 3 reasons to soak them at night instead!

Motive #1: Dentures are Porous

Although your prosthetics appear to be made from completely solid substances to the naked eye, the truth is that they’re covered in microscopic pores. These grooves give unhealthy bacteria in your mouth plenty of places to hide and flourish. This increases the likelihood of developing gum disease that can potentially penetrate your jawbone if left unaddressed.

Brushing and flossing your restoration can remove germs and plaque buildup, but this isn’t enough to reach inside all the tiny crevices. That means bacteria can thrive, and because your dentures aren’t organic, they don’t benefit from your immune system’s infection-fighting properties. You could develop gingivitis, denture stomatitis, or pneumonia as a result.

Meanwhile, leaving them in a glass of water or a special soaking solution can kill up to 99.9 percent of unhealthy microbes.

Motive #2: Gums Develop Sore Spots

It’s normal to experience aches and inflammation when your dentures are new because it can take some time for your gums to adjust to the constant pressure of supporting them all day long. If you fall into bed at night with your restoration still in your mouth, your connective tissues never get a break. You could develop sores that make basic tasks like eating, speaking, or smiling incredibly uncomfortable. Plus, they could be infected by the many germs that reside in your mouth.

To reduce inflammation and naturally disinfect your mouth, you can rinse with warm salt water that won’t be overly abrasive like some mouthwashes.

Motive #3: Soaking Keeps Dentures Moist

Did you know that your mouth produces less saliva at night, especially as you get older? The moisture in your mouth is your body’s first defense against oral issues. It has a nearly neutral pH balance to counteract acid damage to your enamel and naturally kills germs and rinses away unwanted particles. That means if you fall asleep with your restoration in, bacteria can cling to the surface to build plaque that contributes to gum disease, among other issues.

Not only does soaking your dentures at night keep them moist to maintain their shape, but it also cleanses harmful bacteria that can wreak havoc on your dental health!

About the Author

Dr. Alexandria Arditti enjoys getting to know her patients so she can better help them build and maintain happy, beautiful smiles. She earned her Doctor of Dental Surgery from the Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry at USC and now proudly offers a full array of services under one roof. She combines a friendly and conservative approach with state-of-the-art equipment to deliver top-quality treatments tailored to your unique needs. If you need to replace missing teeth, you can request a consultation on the website or call (714) 592-4294.